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Our best breakfast companion,homemade curd(dahi)!

Many marketing gurus are doing everything possible to replace our traditional “dahi”. The Greek Yogurt claims to have higher protein benefits than the homemade curds has a more practical and universal appeal to all, apart from the fact that it is most economical too, to incorporate into your daily routine.

The simplest of all food is sometimes the best. A lot has been argued invariably about the difference between the two. I would essentially say while the first is commercially made with specific amount of lactobacillus bacteria added to ferment it, the traditional curd or dahi is a household product and therefore the protein and calcium may vary depending on the milk used in every household. So actually speaking we may as well get back to the basics and say they are practically the same.

It is often said that if you have a cold or cough, curd should be avoided, however the fact is that if it hasn’t turned sour and is freshly made, it is absolutely fine. I recommend it with every major meal, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Do it as I do, make fresh curds thrice a day and enjoy its benefits. Curd is also an excellent coolant for the stomach lining, which we as Indians tend to abuse over a period of time, with excessive spices.

Having curd in your fridge at all times can be an excellent tip. Sour curds can be tied in a muslin cloth, to get hung curds which can be a base to many a dips (an excellent starter with carrot or cucumber sticks). Curd mixed with pomegranates and pineapple can be a replacement for dessert to the weight conscious.

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